Borrowing materials: Law alums are always welcome back at the Pritzker Legal Research Center during the hours when the circulation desk is open. NLaw alums may request an Alumni Borrowing Card that entitles you to borrow circulating materials from the law library’s collection for 28 days. Contact Candice Jones, Circulation Services Manager, to obtain a card.
Electronic resources: We do not have off-campus access to electronic resources for law alumni. If you visit our library you may use one of our public computers to access many of our electronic resources including HeinOnline and JSTOR. However, several of our databases including Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg are only available to current faculty, staff and students of Northwestern Law.
For recent graduates:
- Recent graduates will retain access to electronic resources like HeinOnline via your NetID for as long as your NetID remains active, which is generally until around October after you graduate. For questions about NetID status, please contact the Law IT department at
- Graduates have 18 months of extended Westlaw access as part of our subscription to the Westlaw GradElite Program. This includes access to Westlaw and Practical Law for commercial or noncommercial use. You’ll have 60 hours/month of access for 18 months from the date of your graduate, if you register with the Westlaw GradElite Program.
- Lexis typically provides graduates with unlimited access to Lexis for six months following graduation. This year, your law school Lexis ID has been extended through December 31. There is no registration required on your part and you can use your ID for any purpose during this time.
- Bloomberg Law typically provides graduates with unlimited access for six months following graduation.
Updated: Aug 07, 2023