Printing using NUprint
To print from your laptop you must be on the eduroam Wireless Network. (See tips for Connecting to eduroam on macOS and Connecting to eduroam on Windows)
From your laptop:
- Go to NUPrint at and log in with your NetID
- Click Webprint from the left menu
- Select “Submit a Job”
- Select “Law School”
- Do NOT select Libraries. This will send your print job to the libraries in Evanston.
- Select from the following options
- Black & White or Color
- One-sided or Two-sided
- Only select Bypass tray if you intended to print on your own paper using the printer's bypass tray.
- Enter the number of copies and select “Upload Documents”
- Select “Upload from computer” and locate the file you wish to print
- When finished selecting all the files to print, click “Upload & Complete”
- Pick up your print jobs from a print station.options
- Black & White print jobs may be released at any station.
- Color print jobs may only be released at the color machines in L215 or Student Services
At the print station:
- Swipe your WildCARD or enter your NetID and Password
- Enter your PIN. If you have not created a PIN or need to reset your PIN, go to NUPrint and select “Change Details”
- Select the file and tap “Print”